There are today hundreds of Enterprise Social Networks tools in the B2B world. So, when you want to adopt one for your organization, the choice is difficult. To help you answer this problem, Jamespot has identified the 5 essential steps to make the right choice. 😉
5 steps to choosing your ESN
An Enterprise Social Network is the ideal solution to optimize internal communication and collaboration within your organization. But all solutions are different: operation, UX, functionalities, applications... So when the time to make a choice comes, you can sometimes get lost.
To avoid this, we advise you to follow these steps:
What are the main features of a ESN: Indeed, before starting to research a ESN, it is necessary to know its main features and purposes.
Define your needs: remember the problem that led you to research ESN tools. You should be able to understand your needs and establish a picture of your collaborative needs.
Compare the different solutions: Now you can create a list of interesting solutions (adding Jamespot of course 😉) to compare them according to their strengths and weaknesses.
Test the solutions: Once done, it's time to test the tools and then contact them to request a personalized demonstration.
This list is a summary of the important steps to take. The rest of the steps, as well as the details are to be found in an exclusive ebook made by Jamespot.

Find out more about the ebook
You want to implement an Enterprise Social Network in your organization? Then this little guide is for you. Its 5 steps and its bonus will help you throughout the process of choice to allow you to adopt the best solution.
To download the ebook, nothing more simple, just click here!
And if you want to learn more about the Jamespot solution and its features, you can get a personalized demonstration or a free 30-day trial.
Enjoy your reading!