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Our prices

Which Jamespot product is made for you ?

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Open Agora

Enterprise Social Network

Structure information around a dynamic activity flow



per user / month*

Fast Intranet


Strengthen internal communication and structure access to your information system



per user / month*
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Smart Place

Digital Workplace

Open Agora & Fast Intranet in one tool



per user / month*
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Jamespot Land


The French metavers designed for hybrid organizations


* Tapered rates depending on the number of users (contact our team for more information)

Discover our options
You have specific needs, consult our options


Jamespot applications and services

👉  Single application available in the Jamespot Store
👉  Formations available in the Jamespot training catalog
 Fast Intranet pages creation

👉  Dedicated animation for the opening of your platform

👉  Contents to accompany your communication (videos, ...)

👉  Services provided by our premium partners

Technical options

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👉  ATLAS option with multi-communities
👉  VAULT option with dedicated infrastructure
👉  PRE-PROD option with pre-production infrastructure

Associations, NGO, public structures, health data :

Ask for our dedicated prices!

Éducation, Associations

Contact our team to take advantage of our dedicated rates for your structures.


Contact our team ->

Public structures

La solution Jamespot est référencée à l'UGAP et à la CAIH.



Contact our team -> 

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Sensitive data

If you process "sensitive" personal data, the Vault is the right offer for you !


Contact our team ->

Health Data

Vous traitez des données de santé, nous avons une offre HDS pour vous !


Contact our team ->

Why you gonna love our offers

Jamespot Guarantees

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The Jamespot

Get a collaborative SaaS platform 100% configurable to your needs

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Access to Jamespot Store

Access the Jamespot Store and choose from over 100 applications

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Benefit of the expertise of our team and partners and make your project succeed

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Access to Jamespot Academy

Train at your own pace with our lives and video replays

Our rewarded projects

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Our success is based on the success of our clients. That's why every year we present our clients' projects so that they are known and recognized. Thus, in 2021, 2 projects were rewarded at the CAS D'OR DU SERVICE PUBLIC :


👉 Bpifrance - Category Management and animation of an online ecosystem

👉 La Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie - Category Social Network of Administration

Join them !

More than 350 private, public and associative organizations put their trust in Jamespot

How about switching to Jamespot speed ?

Start your test platform and get your team on board with Jamespot in less than 5 minutes.

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