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With 99% of employees engaged, discover how Marco Vasco has brought its internal communication into a
new era.
We are writing the most beautiful stories with them
More than 200 private, public, and associative organizations trust us
Nos supers clients
Jamespot - Logo Groupe Renault
Jamespot - Logo Raynal et Roquelaure
Jamespot - Logo BNP RE
Jamespot - Logo La France Mutualiste
Jamespot - Logo BPI
Jamespot - Logo Assurance Maladie
Jamespot - Logo Carrefour Banque
Jamespot - Logo CSA
Jamespot - Logo Apec
Jamespot - Logo Direction du Budget
Jamespot - Logo CD 93
Jamespot - Logo Ucanss
Jamespot - Logo Cerema
Jamespot - Logo IRE Elit
Jamespot - Logo Mafter Bourgeat
Jamespot - Logo Ozitem
Jamespot - Logo Inrae
Jamespot - Logo Strada
Jamespot - Logo France Clusters
Jamespot - Logo Marco Vasco
Jamespot - Logo Semea
Jamespot - Logo Unapei
Jamespot - Logo LPA CGR
Jamespot - Logo Groupe Cristal
Jamespot - Logo Gasel
Jamespot - Logo Fonjep
Jamespot - Logo FNCCR
Jamespot - Logo Titanobel
Jamespot - Logo Est Ensemble
Jamespot - Logo Ensiie
Jamespot - Logo Edifim
Jamespot - Logo CTOP
Jamespot - Logo Carius
Jamespot - Logo Bionops
Jamespot - Logo Axian
Jamespot - Logo AIFE
Our customers talk about their experience
They know the most about us 😍
Découvrez l'avis de nos clients
Jamespot offers us the opportunity to be able to communicate and be up to date with Ozitem's news (events, developments, etc).
Having a mobile application allows our nomadic population to get information at any time of day and in any place.
Brand and Communication Manager - Ozitem
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