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Set up multi-monitoring so as to act together to mitigate business risks

Create a collaborative monitoring space

The Jamespot solution allows you to network useful information for monitoring in your organization.


Acting as a collaborative collector, the information will circulate quickly, less compartmentalized, and in a way that is relevant and visible to everyone. Information is prioritized and you can implement a process for updating information from the field quickly in order to be able to make reports and take quick yet informed decisions.

The strengths of Jamespot

Centralize information

Pass on information to the right people

Drive your activity 

Centralize information in the same space

Use your Jamespot enterprise social network to create a unique location for storing and sharing both formal and informal information (prototypes, brochures from a competitor, press releases, etc.). 


Thanks to the collaborative functions of your platform (comments, versioning, etc.), employees enrich the information and confirm its relevance.

Pass on information to the right people

Easily create and manage one or more themed communities around the monitoring results. Monitoring becomes more visible and easily accessible thanks to the functions of the faceted search engine.


The centralization of information makes it easier to include employees in the organization's monitoring process.

Make it easier to take decisions

The platform also enables collaboration between those who are responsible for monitoring, the archivists on the one hand, and the experts, management, and project teams spread out across the company on the other hand.


It thus promotes joint creation of content, the emergence of ideas to make it easier to publicize the right information in the company, and ultimately the right decisions being taken.

When do you want to start?

Open your enterprise social network now

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